• Panama

    General Information about Panama


General Information

  • Official Name:  Republic of Panama
  • Capital: Panama City
  • Total area, Population and Density: 75,990 sq km. 2,839,177 inhabitants, 42.3 per sq km.
  • Political Division: 9 provinces and 3 indigenous regions (comarcas)
  • Government: Constitutional Democracy, centralized Republic

  • Legal System: The legal system is based on the civil law system. Panama accepts judicial revision of Legislative acts in the Supreme Court of Justice; it also accepts the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice with reservation.
  • Language: The official language is Spanish; however, English is widely spoken.
  • Literacy rate: 90%

  • Climate: Panama has a tropical climate and the temperature is usually the same throughout the year. Average temperature is 27º C.
  • Religion: There is freedom of worship in Panama. Most Panamanians are Roman Catholics. However, due to the country’s great diversity, there are many churches, temples and synagogues throughout the country.
  • Ethnic Groups: 70% are Mestizos, 10% Caucasians, 12% Mulattos and 8% belong to indigenous groups.

Cities and Ports

For more information you can go to www.ipat.gob.pa, website of Instituto Panameño de Turismo

  • Phone: (507) 322-0747
  • Telefax: (507) 322-0745
  • Address: centro logístico llano bonito
  • Juan díaz, calle 1 b sur, bodega #12
  • e-mail: ventas@panamapir.com